Czech school in the UK.



Below is a link to an Excel document in which you will find the titles (in the Czech language) that we currently keep in our school library. We will keep this document updated as books are added over time. At this time, you will find 2 tabs in the document – 1. Children’s Books in CJ and 2. Adult Books in CJ.

If you would like to reserve any books, please email us at NO LATER than 5:00 pm on the Thursday before the teaching Saturday. After that time, we cannot guarantee that we will be able to get the books ready. Books will then be available for pick up each Teaching Saturday between 1:45 and 2:15 pm on the ground floor of the Hobbs Building (the building that houses the preschool). If you do not pick up your reserved books by 2:15 pm, your reservation is automatically cancelled, and we will loan the book(s) to someone else if they wish.

Remember that regular reading with your children is essential for the development of their Czech language, and we hope that you will make good use of this gem of our library. 🙂

School library services are FREE for school and kindergarten children who are currently on the student register. The library is also available to non-school families – email us at for more info.

Looking forward to seeing you at the library Romana